
BORDERLINK, INC.'s Mission Statement

BORDERLINK, INC. was founded in 2000. It began with the desire and under the premise of building a world where children can have positive and inspiring lives. Here we are a decade or so later, with global waves in full motion, pushing full speed ahead.

Japanese people must interact with those outside of Japan, surpass borders, co-exist, and co-prosper on a global scale. As we have almost reached this point, we want our children to acquire the power to accept change and live optimistically in a new world. We want to be agents of change that support this transformation.

For this to happen, we must continue to adapt and develop. The boards of education, schools, and educators who hold high expectations for Borderlink and choose Borderlink, are agents of change themselves. In order for children to experience a bright future, we do not fear change. Rather, we accept it, and as true agents of change, fully devote ourselves to our work.
Yasumasa Yasui

Believe in your Possibility!

Possibilities abound in our world. They come at opportune times or when you least expect it. They constantly change and are always in flux. The Possibilities we believe in does not hinge on circumstance or happenstance. It is the Possibilities that one finds in their core- a faith in your ability to overcome the impossible and to make it possible. We seek those who believe in their possibility and will assist them to open greater possibilities!

Company Outline

Address Head Office
2-16-1, Shimocho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama ACROSS Building 8F

Branch Offices
Tokyo Office :
Kyosera Harajyuku Bldg.2F, 6-27-8
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Other Offices
Established February 29th 2000
Capital 91,000,000 yen
Industry ALT Enterprises
Language Business Projects
Interpreting and Translation Business Enterprises
Online English lessons Enterprisess
Other, Educational Enterprisess
Board of Directors CEO: Yasumasa Yasui
Vice President and Representative Director: Tomoya Sugiyama
Related Companies RareJob, Inc.
K12 Holdings, Inc.
Inquires TEL TEL 048-631-0241
Inquires E-mail
Notice Before you email for any inquires, please check FAQ first. If you cannot find answers in FAQ, please email us.
Please note that we do not receive resumes via email.

Information Policy

BORDERLINK, INC.(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)has established the following policy for the protection of personal information. In light of past incidents, the importance of handling personal information during business practice has been recognized and the Company has taken a preemptive stance regarding accidents or other trouble dealing with such personal information

2.Fundamental policy
BORDERLINK, INC.(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)has established the following policy for the protection of personal information. In light of past incidents, the importance of handling personal information during business practice has been recognized and the Company has taken a preemptive stance regarding accidents or other trouble dealing with such personal information

The Company believes that protecting personal information is a social responsibility that it must fulfill. The Company will implement the following measures;

(1) Collection, use and provision of personal information
Regarding all personal information that the Company uses, our collection, use and provision of it is done appropriately and we refrain from handling it beyond the extent necessary for attaining the specified purposes of usage or other such actions. When the Company intends to handle personal information beyond the extent necessary for attaining the specified purpose of usage, we will obtain prior consent from the person who provided the information to us.

(2) Laws, regulations, guidelines and rules related to personal information
The Company complies with laws, regulations and government-set guidelines and rules that are related to personal information.

(3) Security management of personal information
The Company implements reasonable preventive and corrective measures in relation to illegal access to personal information and leakage, loss, destruction, alteration, etc. of such information.

(4) Complaints and requests for consultation related to personal information
The Company quickly responds to complaints and requests for consultation related to personal information.

(5) Measures to protect personal information (personal information management system)
In order to appropriately protect personal information, the Company continuously reviews and improves the measures to do so.

(6) Shared use of personal information
All information that is provided to the Company can be used only by the Group Company solely for specified purposes to provide more valued services. All companies within the Group Company will not use personal information beyond its specified purposes.
Last Modified: July 1st, 2017
March 1, 2014
Yasumasa Yasui

Confirmation Related to the Handling of Personal Information

1.BORDERLINK, INC. (hereinafter the Company) uses personal information for the following purposes:

(1) For selection and decisions on candidates during recruitment of the Company and sister companies
(2) For responding to all types of inquiries
(3) For creating statistical data

2.Personal information will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the candidate. However, information is provided in the following cases:

(1) When notification or written disclosure of required items is given to the candidate in advance, and said candidate grants approval
(2) When required by law
(3) When there is a possibility of threat or damage to body or property, either personal or public
(4) When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the candidate yet necessary to protect public health or promote the sound development of children
(5) When obtaining consent of the candidate impedes the work of a national or local government official, or a delegated representative authorized by law
(6) When sharing personal information with our group companies serves to secure employment opportunities as well as to develop higher quality services

3.Personal information gathered shall be divided into mandatory items and optional items. If any mandatory items are lacking, resubmission may be requested. If items are not resubmitted, please be advised that some inquiries may not be handled.

4.The company may entrust a portion of data processing to a company that exceeds a set criteria for personal information security determined by the Company.

5.It is with the understanding that any submission of documents will not be returned to the candidate. In addition, said documents will be properly disposed of for unsuccessful candidates.

6.The Company may share personal information among sister companies of the same group under strict management and direction to the extent that is necessary under the following conditions for added-value, high-level services. The use shall not exceed the purposes of personal information use of each sister company within the group.

(1) Purposes for shared use
Personal information shall be shared and used within the parameters of the following work duties:
① For selection and decisions on candidates during recruitment
② For handling all types of candidate inquiries
(2) Scope of information for shared use
Each sister company in the group may share and use obtained personal information but, such use will be limited to what is absolutely necessary for the execution of work duties as listed in (1).
(3) Methods for obtaining personal information
Personal information for shared use shall be obtained through written documentation by each sister company in the group.
Appropriate safety measures shall be taken upon receipt of personal information.

7.Please refer to the following homepage to contact the Company regarding:

(1) Notifications on use of personal information, disclosure, content revisions, additions, or omissions, suspension of use, destruction of information
(2) Suspension of third party provisions
(3) Complaints relating to the handling of personal information
Please refer to the Company homepage for details on disclosure of each form of personal information.

8.Among personal information, personnel and evaluation items are not subject to disclosure, correction, or deletion.

9.Interpretation of wording
If any differences occur in the interpretation of wording between the Japanese and English texts of this agreement, the Japanese text shall prevail.

Last Modified: July 26th, 2019

Please contact the following office with questions regarding this document:

■Contact Information for Inquiries on the Handling of Personal Information
Saitama-ken, Saitama-shi, Omiya-ku, Shimocho 2-16-1 Across 8F
