MUSUBI: A Guide to Japanese Udon Noodles

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MUSUBI: A Guide to Japanese Udon Noodles

Japan is one of the countries that is popular for their noodles as a staple Japanese cuisine. Udon (うどん), as one of the varieties, is a thick, white, and chewy noodle made of wheat flour. It is prepared and served either cold or hot, and widely available across Japan. What makes it so special that people could not resist from slurping the happiness in a bowl?

The Varieties of Japanese Udon:

Kake Udon (Hot)

The most common udon noodles in Japan served in a hot dashi soup and minimal toppings, such as chopped spring onions. The hot udon soup that is rich in flavor is perfect for cold weather and at times when you have a little appetite, but still wants to eat a comforting food.

Kamaage Udon (Hot)

This type of udon noodles is served directly in a bowl of hot water, which makes it chewier in texture. It is accompanied with a dipping sauce (dashi tsuyu) on the side, which consist of dashi soup stock as a base and tsuyu by adding soy sauce, mirin, and other flavors.

Kitsune Udon (Hot/Cold)

It is most likely the same as Kake udon but served with different toppings, such as chopped spring onions and Aburaage or crispy and sweet deep-fried thin sliced tofu on top of the noodles.

Photo by 焼肉516

Tsukimi Udon (Hot)

This type of udon noodles is also similar to Kake udon, but with a twist of adding raw egg on top which makes it acquire a unique name of “Moon Viewing Udon.” The egg yolk in the middle of the noodles resembles the Moon and adds additional tasty flavor to the udon noodles.

Curry Udon (Hot)

As Japan is also popular with their curry, this type of udon noodles is served in a bowl filled with the rich taste and flavor of Japanese curry.

Tempura Udon (Hot/Cold)

If you are a fan of tempura, which consists of deep-fried vegetables and seafood coated in a thin batter, this udon noodles are for you. The tempura is either served as a separate dish or directly into the bowl of udon.

Photo by エンタク

Niku Udon (Hot)

This udon is for meat lovers who wants additional flavor of beef, pork, or chicken meat on top of udon noodles.

Nabeyaki Udon (Hot)

It is a type of udon dish that is served and cooked directly in a hot pot (Nabe). It consists of recipes added in a hot pot, such as broth, vegetables, fish cakes (Kamaboko), egg, and tempura.

Chikara Udon (Hot)

A type of udon noodles topped with rice cake (Mochi). The rice cake was a celebratory food and believed to be a source of strength and power, specifically the Japanese term “Chikara.”

Yaki Udon

This type of udon noodles is stir-fried with vegetables, meat, or seafood in a sweet and savory sauce. It is a variation from another widely popular noodle dish in Japan, which is Yakisoba.

Photo by  jugoinoge

When eating udon, it is enjoyed either by dipping it in sauce or directly from the bowl. Do not be embarrassed of the slurping as it is believed as a way of fully enjoying the experience. Relish the flavor as you choose from the variety that would be a perfect match for your taste!

Photo Credits:

Main image: ShineLight

Additional photos by 焼肉516 , エンタク ,  jugoinoge

All other content (text) created by the original author and © 2024 MUSUBI by Borderlink


K.G. Umami

From the Philippines
Has experienced Japan for 1 year!