MUSUBI: Kikanbo, the Taste of Hell

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MUSUBI: Kikanbo, the Taste of Hell
Ever wondered what Hell tastes like? As a self-diagnosed spice head and ramen lover, I wanted to find a restaurant that perfected these two things. After 5 minutes of rigorous searching using an ancient tool called “Youtube”, I came across a video of an excited American showcasing a ramen shop located in Kanda, Tokyo called "Kikanbo".

So how can I try this spicy concoction?

Well, use a map of course! But, really there are actually two locations for this restaurant. The one in Kanda is accessible via the Yamanote and Keihin-Tohoku lines. The other location is in Ikebukuro which is accessible by the Yamonote, Saikyo, and many others that will just take forever to name.

What does Hell taste and look like exactly?

Pretty hot. Kikanbo uses a miso base for their soup and they allow the customers to make a choice of how much Kara (chili pepper) and Shibi (sansho pepper) they want in their ramen, which influences the intensity of the spice. I chose high for both because life is short, right?

The ramen itself is definitely one to be remembered if you’re a ramen lover. The ramen has a bright lava-like glow to it and honestly just looks beautiful. So, great for Instagram pictures! Within the ramen, there are tender pieces of pork mixed in with bean sprouts, green onion and baby corn. Overall, the cost will be about 1200 yen.

Photo provided by Patrick N.

How about the atmosphere though?

The shop itself is a great representation of what Hell might possibly be like. It included all things hellish like clubs on the walls, devil faces, and pop music playing on repeat. Just kidding! The music is a slow drum beat that will build up in a pace as you devour your ramen and almost makes you feel like you are going to be sacrificed to a god. The restaurant staff are nice though.


If you’re like me and are looking for that new spicy experience, then Kikanbo is really the spice hit that you need to try. Honestly, after years and years of mindlessly eating potatoes and boiled meats, it was nice to finally feel alive again. I will definitely be returning again to get that nextspice hit soon. I advise you to do the same.

Photo Credits

Main Image: 蒼寅

Additional photo taken and provided by Patrick N., used with permission.

All other content (text) created by the original author and © 2022, 2024 MUSUBI by Borderlink


Patrick N.

From the UK
Has experienced Japan for a couple of years!
I am a spice enthusiast and a ramen addict.